Perche Creek Test Plot
Ri-Mor Topsoil has purchased 72 acres of creek bottom land in the Perche Creek/Midway area, just outside of Columbia, covered with four feet of the highest quality topsoil (view and download a copy of the soil test report below) - that's enough to provide any quantity of topsoil for at least the next decade.
View or download the test report for our quality soil here:
Friends to the Environment
We deliver to various companies all over Missouri, and particularly enjoy doing business with those that take an interest in using environmentally friendly soil.
University of Missouri-Columbia
From the Web site of the University Extension, University of Missouri-Columbia.
"In soil testing, laboratory procedures measure plant-available nutrients in the soil. Fertilizer recommendations are given for these nutrients. Many different fertilizers are commercially available, but all report the percentage of available nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). Directions for choosing the right fertilizer to match the nutrient recommendation and calculating the fertilizer amount to apply are provided. Also described are calculations for recommendations of limestone, gypsum, secondary and micro-nutrients."